Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. partner Jason Boulette will be speaking at the 41st Annual UT Law CLE Page Keeton Civil Litigation Conference in Austin November 2-3, 2017.

Mr. Boulette’s presentation, “From Parties to Presidents: Dealing With Decision-Maker Commentary”, is scheduled for 9:30am Thursday, November 2nd. The conference will take place at Austin’s Renaissance Hotel. Additional information>>>

About the Conference

Leading litigators, judges, and law professors meet at the 41st Annual Page Keeton Civil Litigation Conference at the Renaissance Hotel in Austin. Some featured topics include:

  • Updates and Opportunities: civil procedure, 85th Texas Legislature, unlawful animus, Anti-SLAPP, and business torts and damages
  • Litigations Skills: opening and closing arguments, demonstrative evidence, difficult witnesses, and voir dire
  • Litigation in the Real World: advocacy in a post-truth world, bad facts, arbitration, monitored conversations
  • Litigation in a Digital World: e-discovery, social media, and data security
  • Earn up to 12.00 hours, including 3.00 hours of ethics, with this and much more